GolPhin's Top Tips for Juniors: Learning the Golf Grip

GolPhin's Top Tips for Juniors: Learning the Golf Grip

Golf is a fantastic game which teaches you some of the most important lessons in life. The grip – the way that you hold the club is one of the first aspects of golf you will need to get right. Here are a few tips to use when teaching juniors the golf grip:

  1. Choose a suitable sized club: Juniors should go with clubs that are appropriate for their height and age. By doing this, they can feel certain they have the right stance and are able to grip the club. They can also improve their swing mechanics by using the suitable size club. You can find more about our award-winning junior golf clubs here
  2. Begin with the fundamentals: Juniors should begin with the fundamentals of the grip, which include placing the hands on the club in a specific manner. If the child is right handed they should place their left hand at the top of the grip whilst pointing their thumb to the floor. Next, their right hand should be just below your left hand with theirthumb pointing a little to the right of the shaft. They should hold the club tightly but not too tight!
  3. Practice, practice, practice: Juniors should regularly practice their grip to develop muscle memory. They can practice holding the club correctly and take practice swings at home or on the course. It will take a little while to learn what suits them in terms of a grip, however it will become easier with time until they don’t need to even think about it!
  4. Seek input from a coach or mentor: To ensure that your child is using the correct grip you can seek feedback from your local pro/golf coach. A coach can offer advice and make grip changes as needed. They can also provide children activities and exercises to help them establish the right grip.
  5. Watch instructional videos: There are several instructional videos accessible on the internet that may assist juniors in learning the appropriate grip. These videos can give step-by-step explanations as well as visual aids to assist youngsters in better understanding the grip.


To summarise, understanding the golf grip is vital for junior golfers. Juniors may improve their golf game by using the correct size club, starting with the basics, practicing frequently, receiving input from a coach or mentor, and viewing instructional videos.